Sunday, February 21, 2010

Computer Literate

SRAM is memory. This controls the speed you need to open up applications or programs. SRAM does not need to be refreshed as long as the computer is on and has power available.

Word Size is the amount or size of data that can be moved from the CPU to the memory (SRAM). Measured in bits.(8 bits in a byte)

Overclocking is running the processor (brain of the computer) at a faster speed than the manufacturer suggests which can damage the processor. In comparison it would be like your brain on acid.(assuming your mother was a hippie)

Processor frequency is the internal speed of the processor. Basically it is the speed of the computer, how fast it processes information/data.

Data Pathways are the pathways for various types of data. For example data goes from the CPU to the ALU and back to the CPU. It’s a process/pathway that must be taken to get a result.

Primary, external and memory cache- Primary cache is within the CPU chip and runs at the same speed as the processor also called Level 1 cache. External cache is a little bit larger than the primary cache, but it is located outside of the CPU, also called Level 2 cache. Farthest from the CPU is the memory cache also called level 3 cache. Basically these are RAM that holds data and instructions.


Product Name: A0600 1U 600W Bulk Power AC-DC
Category: AC/DC

This is a great power supply unit for a midrange computer!

· 600W (this is the actual power)
· Efficiency 80-85% (energy efficient)
· Remote On/Off (you can turn the unit on by other means, rather than an actual switch)
· Overvoltage & Overcurrent protection (the power supply will turn itself off before the voltage reaches threshold or in the event of and overload, your power supply might fry but the rest of the computer won’t)
· Over-temperature warning and protection. (this warns you when the power supply is getting too hot)
· Power fail warning and fault alarm. (an audible alarm that tells you something is not working correctly, like not enough power coming to the unit)
So for all around sizable power, this would be the power supply to go with.
If you would like a quote for a price for this particular power supply please click on the following:
There are also other series to choose from with a range of 400-3000W of power. When you get into the higher wattage they are used mostly for commercial use.(huge servers)
Powerstax plc have an overall rating of 4 stars :)
For more info on power supplies go to This is a very helpful website to get information on different power supplies and their manufacture.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Overseas Tech Support.....Good or Bad???

A lot of jobs are being out-sourced in the U.S. today. The reasoning behind this is to save money. It's cheap labor and as a business owner you don't have to offer insurance or have insurance liability for your employees. However, by outsourcing jobs we are hurting our economy and pretty much wiping out our middle class. Not to mention that every time I have to call for tech support I can barely understand what the customer service agent is saying.(language barrier) As if computer tech stuff isn't enough of a language barrier its even worse when I cant understand what they are saying anyway!

I don't feel that it is better to save money versus customer service. Customers are loyal to those who give good customer service and in the end if you have poor customer service, you will loose your customers and eventually start loosing money due to the customer loss from poor customer service. I would feel the same way as a business owner.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Real Problems, Real Solutions 1-1

GIM Intel Gamer's Dream System:

1. The system bus is called the front side bus. The Intel Gamers Dream has a bus of 1066 speed.
2. Frequency speed is 2.66Ghz
3. The brand of the processor is Intel.
4. The RAM that is installed is 6GB with a 1600Mhz.
5. The expansion slot used for a video card is PCI-Express Video Card.
6. The type of interface that this hard drive uses is SATA2.
7. The hard drive can store 1TB.
8. The hard drive brand is ASUS.
9. The type of optical drive installed is a blue ray burner.
10. The terms that I am not sure of their meaning are as follows:
Secondary Hard Drive Case

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1. I like to dip my fries in my frosty.
2. I am a total gear head. I love hot rods and working on making them go faster.
3. I read all the Twilight series of books and I am team Jakob.
4. I always seem calm, cool and collected but in reality I am freaking out inside 80% of the time.
5. I have never seen the inside components of a pc/laptop.
6. I had to research what a URL was prior to this blog.
7. I am fascinated by the different religions and why everyone thinks that their religion is the best.