Sunday, February 21, 2010

Computer Literate

SRAM is memory. This controls the speed you need to open up applications or programs. SRAM does not need to be refreshed as long as the computer is on and has power available.

Word Size is the amount or size of data that can be moved from the CPU to the memory (SRAM). Measured in bits.(8 bits in a byte)

Overclocking is running the processor (brain of the computer) at a faster speed than the manufacturer suggests which can damage the processor. In comparison it would be like your brain on acid.(assuming your mother was a hippie)

Processor frequency is the internal speed of the processor. Basically it is the speed of the computer, how fast it processes information/data.

Data Pathways are the pathways for various types of data. For example data goes from the CPU to the ALU and back to the CPU. It’s a process/pathway that must be taken to get a result.

Primary, external and memory cache- Primary cache is within the CPU chip and runs at the same speed as the processor also called Level 1 cache. External cache is a little bit larger than the primary cache, but it is located outside of the CPU, also called Level 2 cache. Farthest from the CPU is the memory cache also called level 3 cache. Basically these are RAM that holds data and instructions.

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