Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Google is developing an OS to complete with windows…..

What’s it called: Chrome OS

When will it be released: Chrome OS for notebooks should be out within a year.

The majority of people have google as their home page, so from the business stand point this could be a great concept because you could own the search as well as the operating system, you will basically own the majority of the computing experience. I am sure that google is thinking that this will boost their profits, especially when all of their profits come from advertising. So by google making their own operating system they can improve the search experience therefore increasing their advertising market because more people would be seaching.

In my opinion it is very noble for google to try and compete with Microsoft, however the reality of it is, is that 90% of computers have a Microsoft OS. It will be a long and tough road to try and compete with those kinds of numbers because even when Windows was stumbling with Vista, no one was able to compete with them then or even now.

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