Sunday, April 4, 2010

NAS (Network Attached Stored)

NAS is a computer data storage connected to a computer network. However you do not need multiple computers to get good use of a NAS. NAS is a great multimedia storage device that can have multiple hard drives. For the i-tunes junkie you can stream music, photos, and video to network media players (xbox 360 is an example) without the computer. You can also access files from anywhere via internet connection. Most NAS have USB ports so you can connect USB hard drives, flash drives, printers, etc. When you have multiple drives your data is automatically duplicated to provide file protection and back up.

NAS installation requirements are Windows 2000 and up. NAS is easy to install using an installation CD, power cord, and Ethernet cable. The standard storage space is 1TB, but I have seen them up to 8TB.

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